

Scientific Research-Based Intervention (SRBI

Federal laws, including the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), set clear expectations for schools to ensure the academic achievement of all students regardless of their race, ethnicity, English language proficiency, disability, or socioeconomic status. School districts are permitted to use data from a process known as Response to Intervention (RTI) as part of the identification procedures for students with learning disabilities. RTI involves providing scientific, research-based instruction and intervention tailored to student needs, with significant educational decisions based on students’ performance levels and learning progress over time.

In Connecticut, the RTI process is referred to as a Multi-Tiered System of Support (SRBI) to emphasize the integral role of general education in the intervention process and the importance of educational practices that are scientific and research-based.

Key Elements of SRBI Include:

  • Core general education curriculums and instructional strategies that are comprehensive, culturally relevant, and research-based.

  • Differentiated instruction for all students, including those performing below and above grade level and English language learners (ELLs).

  • School-wide systems of social-emotional learning and behavioral supports.

  • Early intervention for students experiencing academic and/or behavioral difficulties.

  • Educational decision-making driven by student performance data relative to peers.

SRBI Framework

SRBI is operationalized as a systematic approach with three tiers of intervention that increase in intensity based on students’ needs:

  • Tier 1: All students receive high-quality curriculum and instruction in the general education classroom. Classroom teachers are responsible for delivering best practices and providing appropriate accommodations for all students when necessary.

  • Tier 2: Students who require additional support beyond the general curriculum receive targeted interventions. These students may be pulled out during class times for additional support or may have an interventionist or paraprofessional assisting in the classroom setting.

  • Tier 3: Students who need more individualized instruction receive intensive interventions. These students meet with an interventionist and/or paraprofessional daily to receive additional support. If students continue to demonstrate academic and/or behavioral difficulties with this level of support, they may be referred for an evaluation for special education services.

By adopting the SRBI framework, schools ensure a more inclusive and responsive approach to addressing the diverse needs of all students, thereby promoting equitable educational outcomes.


School SAT Process Manuals: JOEL  | ELIOT | MORGAN
Family Guide to SRBI
English  | Spanish
DESSA Universal Screening

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